The Harpy

Have you ever read reviews and praise for a book and wondered if they read the same book as you did? I am not an elitist, and some of my favourite pieces of art and literature aren't that well known, but there are books which I have read, and cannot find a single good thing … Continue reading The Harpy

Agent Running In The Field by John LeCarre LeCarre is a recent discovery, relatively speaking. He is widely considered the father of modern espionage fiction, which seeing as he worked for the intelligence services, is not that obvious a distinction to make. He was always someone I admired and respected but never read his work before an impulsive loan of The Spy … Continue reading Agent Running In The Field by John LeCarre


If you've read, or are reading The Lightning Thesaurus or The Dead Friend, please leave a review. It helps the casual browser decide if it is a book for them or not. Thank you. The third has gone to the publisher for the editing process, meeting with an amazing artist next week to … Continue reading Reviews

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A Wonderful Review of The Lightning Thesaurus. Thank you to Shaun, whose review was moving and gratifying. I'll share the bad ones too, when they arrive, in the interests of equanimity.